Friday, June 15, 2007

places of denial and desire.

The electricity is back on at the Back Page!!!

Tomorrow is International Bloomsday and seven artists will be at-large in Gosford on a psychogeographic dérive.
At a time when Debord's ideas about the Society of the Spectacle are under review, it will be interesting to see what eventuates; and what places of denial and desire are encountered.

"I wouldn't start from here"

"and the wilderness is paradise enow"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saturday 16 June 2007. I am doing some physical So far, it is a very conscious thing...I chose to go up the ramp instead of down and when I got to the top doorway to the car partk I went to go down again but stopped at the doorway to look at the rain and a few cars going by and saw another drifter - down I go.....